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Bee Happy exists so we can do the things that we believe spreads happiness.

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Time with mates, giving back, spending time in nature, connecting with loved ones and communities, acting sustainably and, of course, helping others to eat healthy is what we are all about.

Our Products

Honey is a recognised natural superfood,
high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

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Kanuka is a lovely sweet honey with a crisp, aromatic butterscotch taste, and a delightfully clean finish.

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Manuka honey has an approachable medium sweetness, coupled with some delightful nuttiness and a subtle bitter aftertaste.

When it comes to giving back, we contribute 10% of our profits to causes we believe make a positive difference. 

When you buy our honey you’re joining us in making a contribution to these causes and you become a part of our community - for which we’re grateful, thanks.

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Contact Us

+64 (0)22 410 1920

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